Selasa, 07 Juni 2011

First time to make a Poster

First time to make a poster... Not bad but ugly!!! hmmmmm..
we can make it if we try..try..and try..
I can do it..

Senin, 06 Juni 2011

Like an avalanche - Hillsong

Beautiful God
Laying your majesty aside
You reached out in love to show me life
Lifted from darkness into life, oh

King for a slave
Trading your righteousness for shame
Despite all my pride and foolish ways
Caught in your infinite embrace, oh

And I find myself here on my knees again
Caught up in grace like an avalanche
Nothing compares to this love, love, love
Burning in my heart

Saviour and friend
Breathing your life into my heart
Your word it the lamp unto my path
Forever I'm humbled by your love, oh

And I find myself here on my knees again
Caught up in grace like an avalanche
Nothing compares to this love, love, love
Burning in my heart

Take my life, take all that I am
With all that I am
I will love you
Take my heart, take all that I have
Jesus, how I adore you

Take my life, take all that I am
With all that I am
I will love you
Take my heart, take all that I have
Jesus, how I adore you

And I find myself here on my knees again
Caught up in grace like an avalanche
Nothing compares to this love, love, love
Burning in my heart

Linkin Park - Iridescent

when you were standing in the wake of devastation
when you were waiting on the edge of the unknown
with the cataclysm raining down, insides crying save me now
you were there and possibly alone.

do you feel cold and lost in desperation
you build up all the failiures all you've known
remember all the sadness and frustration
and let it go, let it go.

and in the burst of light that blinded every angel
as if the sky had blown the heavens into stars
you felt the gravity of temper grace falling into empty space
no one there to catch you in there arms

do you feel cold and lost in desperation
you build up all the failiures all you've known
remember all the sadness and frustration
and let it go, let it go.

(multiple voices)
do you feel cold and lost in desperation
you build up all the failiures all you've known
remember all the sadness and frustration
and let it go,

let it go
let it go
let it go
let it go

do you feel cold and lost in desperation
you build up all the failiures all you've known
remember all the sadness and frustration
and let it go, let it go.

Kamis, 26 Mei 2011

Seri Laura Ingalls

Kalau mengingat masa kecil, saya jadi ingat film Little House di TVRI, tapi sampai saat ini hampir hilang dari ingatanku. Setelah diceritakan sama teman, membuatku makin penasaran untuk membaca bukunya lagi.

Rumah yang sederhana yang dihuni suami, Istri dan 4 putri mereka Merry, Laura, Carry, dan Grace. Saya baru menyadari kalau Film berseri itu, ada buku-bukunya yang telah diterjemahkan dalam bahasa Indonesia dan diterbitkan oleh Penerbit BPK Gunung Mulia. Telat banget deh gw, maklum selama beberapa tahun kuliah yang ada diotak saya hanya buku-buku berbau komputer dan ormas-ormasnya. Saya harus menyisihkan budget untuk memiliki buku-buku seri Laura Ingalls + film Little House. Gambar yang saya lampirkan adalah beberapa judul dari 35 Judul. Banyak khan?

Buku-buku ini ternyata bukan saya saja yang menyukainya tapi ada banyak penggemar buku ini loh. Komunitasnya juga ada, terlihat dari Group Penggemar buku Laura Ingalls di kumpulan group. Dan komunitas ini akan bertemu bareng tanggl 25 Juni 2011 di BPK Gunung mulia. Acaranya gimana ya?? Pasti seru..!!! Ikut ah...

Senin, 16 Mei 2011

Mijn baby

Dutch : Mijn Baby

ik was al jaren lang opzoek naar de vrouw
die mijn wereld op z'n kop zet
nooit geweten dat kiemand vinden zou
die de vreugede in me op wekt oewhhyeaa.

want zij staat altijd klaar
voor mij en ik voor haar
wij horen bij elkaar.
want zei is,
mijn baby er is niemand zo mooi als
mijn baby, en er niemand zo lief als
mijn baby, neer er is niemand zo goed als
mijn babey.

en de kluts raak ik kwijt
als ze even naar mij kijkt
en zegt dat zei 't liefst voor altijd bij me blijft.
ondanks het feit dat er tegenslagen zijn,
raak ik haar niet kwijt,
want zij gelooft in mij.
want zei staat altijd klaar voor mij en ik voor haar
wij horen bij elkaar.
want zij is mijn baby

In English :  My Baby

For years I was looking for the woman who could turn my world up side down.
I never knew that I could find someone who could arouse the joy in me.
Because she is always there for me like I am for her because she is,

my baby there is nobody so beautiful as my baby,
there is nobody so sweet as my baby,
no, there is nobody that good as my baby.

I lose control if she looks at me and tells me that she would stay with me forever.
Despite there will be setbacks, I won’t lose her, because she believes in me.
She is always there for me and I will always be there for her, because we belong together.

Because she is my baby there is nobody so beautiful as my baby,
there is nobody so sweet as my baby,
no, there is nobody that good as my baby

Kamis, 05 Mei 2011

Stupid things that happened this morning is when I try to capture video from Windows Media Player. I opened the video file that I want to capture then I tried to press "Print Screen" key and copied it into PAINT and then saved it in a JPG file. I'm confused because, It was blank screen. Then I thought maybe the running video was posing a problem with capturing a frame. So I paused the movie and tried the print screen technique. But still got a blank screen. Then I tried to capture paused and running movies in full screen (Full screen shortcut – using Alt+Enter). But again no luck. So I decided to tweak some advanced options of Windows Media Player. After lot of different combinations of tweaks, still had no luck. I tried to download other software’s like Windows Media Player Clasic (codec) for this worked, but it was need much time to download. I hopeles so, I searched via google and found the answer. ("_")

Free simple way to capture Images from Windows Media Player :
  • Open Window Media Player
  • Then go to Tools  | Options
  • In Options, select the Performance Tab
  • Way below you click on the Advanced Button
  • Uncheck “Use Overlays’
  • Click Ok
  • And you are ready.

Now run your movie in any size or screen resolution. Use the standard ‘Print Screen Key’ Method as described and you have captured a snapshot from your favourite movie on windows media player without using any special multimedia software. yupz..thats all..
This is an alternate method if this does not work.
  • Instead of the Print Screen Method – try pressing “CTRL+I”. This pops up a save as window after capturing the screenshot
  • After you open Window Media Player. Go to Tools | Options | Performance Tab.
  • You will see a picture similar to the first image above. Reduce the “Video acceleration” from the default Full to None, click ok and then close down media player. Next open the file you want to take a still using the Print Screen method – from press ALT and the PrintScrn key to copy an image of media player to the clipboard.

Selasa, 03 Mei 2011

Moluks Historisch Museum

Museum Maluku (Muma) merupakan pusat sejarah dan seni budaya Maluku. Dalam museum ini ada ruang pameran, tempat arsip sejarah, pusat informasi, perpustakaan / ruang baca, toko dan auditorium.

Museum ini didirikan tahun 1986 oleh pemerintah Belanda sebagai hadiah bagi masyarakat Maluku di Belanda tepatnya di kota Utrecht. Museum ini didirikan sebagai 'monumen hidup' yang menggambarkan sejarah penduduk Maluku dan juga berfungsi untuk merangsang perkembangan seni kontemporer dan budaya Maluku di Belanda. (Kesepakatan bersama oleh Pemerintah Belanda dan Dewan Badan Persatuan, 21 April, 1986).

Museum ini dibuka pada November 1990 untuk umum. Pada tahun 1995 museum menjadi independen. Pada tahun 2008, namanya berubah menjadi "Moluks Historisch Museum" atau "Museum Sejarah Maluku". 

source :

Kamis, 28 April 2011


Pagi- pagi masuk kantor langsung disodorin buah zaitun. Pertama yang muncul dalam pikiranku.."Waduh rasanya gimana ya?, aku suka ga ya?"..Setelah beberapa menit kemudian temen sebelah mulai membuka bungkusan buah tersebut dan mencicipinya. Saat melihat dia memakannya dengan ekspresi aneh saya jadi berpikir "waduh jangan-jangan ga enak neh"...Hatiku mulai tidak tenang dan tidak sabar untuk membukanya....tapi eeeeitttzzzz tunggu dulu sebelum dimakan saya harus mendokumentasikan gambarnya. Setalah beberapa cepretan akhirnya selesai sudah sesi pemotretan. Buah zaitun siap disantap. Ehhh ternyata UENAAAK...rasanya mungkin agak kecut waktu baru dipetik dari pohon, maklum saya makan yang sudah berbentuk manisan.

Seperti biasa, rasa ingin tahu saya muncul untuk searching bagaimana bentuk aslinya dan apa manfaat serta khasiatnya. Nah ini sekilas tentang buah zaitun or Olive dari wikipedia.

Zaitun (Olea europaea) adalah pohon kecil tahunan dan hijau abadi, yang buah mudanya dapat dimakan mentah ataupun sesudah diawetkan sebagai penyegar. Buahnya yang tua diperas dan minyaknya diekstrak menjadi minyak zaitun yang dapat dipergunakan untuk berbagai macam keperluan. Zaitun adalah anggota suku Oleaceae.

Tanaman zaitun memiliki ciri-ciri di antaranya:

Tumbuh sebagai perdu mempunyai bunga berbentuk lonceng daun tunggal dengan kedudukan berhadapan tanpa daun penumpu bunga banci atau berkelamin tunggal dan buah menumpang buahnya berupa buah batu dengan biji memiliki endosperma Zaitun mulai berbuah saat berumur lima tahun dan usianya dapat mencapai ribuan tahun, sehingga yang tadinya perdu telah menjadi pohon besar. Pohon zaitun yang berumur ribuan tahun di antaranya pernah ditemukan di Palestina yang bertahan hidup hingga 2000 tahun. Distribusinya meliputi daerah-daerah iklim panas sampai iklim sedang. Kebanyakan jenisnya dapat ditemui di Asia dan daerah Laut Tengah. Tumbuhan ini masih berkerabat dengan melati (Jasminum sambac).

Antara khasiat buah zaitun ialah:

* Mengobati gangguan-gangguan perut
* Mengeluarkan cacing
* Menjadi penawar racun
* Minyak zaitun dapat menghaluskan kulit
* Minyak zaitun juga dapat melambatkan tumbuh uban
* Menghilangkan bekas kena bakar (api).

Buah Zaitun mengandung:
  1. Lemak monosaturated yang mempertahankan pembuluh darah arteri tetap bersih dari plak dan baik untuk meningkatkan mood karena lemak ini meningkatkan serotonin dalam dara
  2. Zat besi, bahan penting dalam struktur Hemoglobin dari sel darah merah untuk mengatasi anemia. Zat besi juga berguna dalam mengatasi rambut rontok.
  3. Vitamin E, tidak hanya untuk regenerasi kulit, Vitamin E yang cukup akan dapat meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh dan menurunkan resiko terserang penyakit jantung, stroke, kanker, diabetes, katarak, sakit otot, demam dan penyakit infeksi lainnya
  4. Serat Makanan, mencegah penyakit jantung koroner, resiko kanker, osteoporosis, diabetes melitus, divertikulosis, dan mencegah konstipasi.
  5. Antocyanin, pigmen warna dalam zaitun hitam ini memiliki efek dalam menurunkan tekanan darah serta melindungi terhadap masalah-masalah yang disebabkan oleh diabetes

Simbol dan manfaat

Tangkai zaitun berdaun sering dipakai sebagai lambang perdamaian dan telah lama menjadi bagian kebudayaan Barat. Di dalam masyarakat ini dahan zaitun menjadi lambang perdamaian dan telah ditanam sejak ratusan tahun yang lalu untuk diambil buahnya yang sedap. Dari filosofi tersebut dapat kita ambil intisari bahwa dengan tumbuhnya zaitun akan membawa perdamaian. Banyak manfaat dari pohon zaitun ini. Selain buahnya yang enak, kayu dari pohon zaitun juga sangat bagus, keras dan indah. Selain untuk dimakan buah zaitun juga digunakan sebagai penyedap makanan. Apabila diperas buahnya, kita dapat memperoleh minyaknya. Minyak ini dapat digunakan sebagai bumbu salad dan belakangan banyak digunakan untuk bahan kosmetik yang dapat menjaga kelembaban dan kekencangan kulit sehingga diyakini dapat menjadikan kulit awet muda.

Rabu, 27 April 2011

Seperti biasa selalu bergelut dengan berat badan yang kian lama kian bertambah, apalagi sekarang setelah pindah di tempat baru maksudnya kantor baru yang bebas ngemil saat kerja..huuuuf sungguh tak tertahankan menghentikan hasrat untuk mengunyah sesuatu, ada saja yang menawarkan makanan...ckckckckc...

Setelah cek dan ricek isi toples, akhirnya ketemu teh yang bisa menghancurkan lemak - lemak yang tertumpuk. Awalnya saya pikir itu "Daun Jati Belanda", ternyata saya salah, yang selama ini saya minum adalah "Daun Jati Cina" ini juga tawaran dari teman, ole - ole dari Yogya. Daun Jati Cina sangat berkhasiat buat saya. Setiap kali diminum sore kira - kira pukul 19.00, pasti pagi - pagi isi perut berkontraksi untuk dikeluarkan, setelah itu langsung lega...Hehehe...terus iseng - iseng deh cari tau sebenarnya apa itu "Daun Jati Cina". Ini dia hasil browsing.

Daun Jati Cina adalah teh herbal organik yang  bermanfaat untuk: Mengurangi lemak yang berlebihan dalam tubuh sehingga tubuh menjadi langsing, proposional. Mengurangi kolesterol dalam darah. Mengecilkan perut, sehingga perut terasa ringan. Melancarkan buang air besar dan gangguan urin.

Cara Penyajian:Ambil 1 sendok teh daun jati cina dan masukkan ke dalam gelas. Tuangi dengan air panas. Biarkan larut beberapa menit hingga terlihat warna kecoklatan. Kemudian saring dan airnya siap diminum.Mohon tidak mengkonsumsi secara berlebihan. Cukup sehari dua kali pagi dan malam hari setelah makan.

Kamis, 21 April 2011


Cerita tentang Paskah sudah saya dengar dari masa kecil hingga sekarang. Saat saya sekolah minggu kalau sudah hari paskah yang seru adalah cari-cari telur paskah yang disembunyikan guru sekolah minggu..kalau ingat waktu itu seru...terus ada lagi yang seru yakni menghiasi or mewarnai telur..lucu-lucu deh pokoke..yang membuat saya terkagum juga waktu menjelang hari paskah, saya nonton film "Passion of the christ" di kos sendirian..hmmmmm selesai nonton tissue 1 dus habis dan mata semua bengkak, karena dari awal film sampai berakhirnya film itu saya nangis terus (maklum di kos sendiri) hehehe...

Tapi yang penting bukan telur atau film "Passion of the christ" seh..tapi bagaimana kita memaknai moment paskah. Kalau kita mendengar kata Paskah, pasti timbul pertanyaan : Mengapa Yesus harus mati dan bangkit?

Sebenarnya di dalam kitab perjanjian lama, Yehezkiel telah bernubuat tentang kebangkitan tulang - tulang kering, yang artinya Ia akan memberikan kehidupan baru bagi dunia dan manusia. Kehidupan baru itu menyatu dalam kebangkitan kristus. Dengan adanya kebangkitan kristus dari antara orang mati, jelas ada kehidupan baru bagi dunia yang telah jatuh dalam dosa.

Kalau Yesus tidak bangkit dari antara orang mati, maka tidak mungkin ada kebangkitan orang mati. Betapa sia-sia semua kerja keras para rasul, pemberitaan gerja dan pengharapan orang kristen tentang kehidupan yang baru. Jadi kebangkitan orang mati adalah hal yang pasti. Dasar dari kepercayaan akan adanya kebangkitan orang mati ada pada kebangkitan Yesus. (Source: INSPIRASI,April 2011)

Rabu, 20 April 2011

.JAR dan .JAD

Setiap kali harus donwnload sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan Blackberry, HandPhone or smartphone lainnya, selalu ketemu file yang berextention .jad dan .jar. Sempat bingung ini file dari planet mana? maklum hampir beberapa tahun tidak bergelud dengan JAVA, dan hampir hilang dari ingatan bentuk sintaksnya dan sebagainnya. Untuk menjawab rasa penasaran itu, seperti biasa langsung menghubungi Opa Google, dari hasil googling itu setidaknya saya dapat menyimpulkan apa seh .JAD dan .JAR itu?

File JAR

JAR adalah singkatan dari Java ARchive. File JAR sebenarnya adalah kumpulan file yang dibundel dan dikompres seperti halnya file ZIP.

Coba saja Anda kita buka file JAR tersebut dengan program kompresi seperti WinZip, WinRAR, 7Zip, dsb. Kita akan melihat isinya. Bagi yang menggunakan Windows XP atau lebih baru, ubah saja ekstensi nama file JAR menjadi ZIP, maka Windows akan mengenali file tersebut dan bisa dibuka.

Aplikasi Java dalam JAR

Isi file JAR adalah file-file kompilasi Java (*.class) dan file-file pendukung lainnya, seperti gambar, suara, dll. Didalam folder META-INF terdapat sebuah MANIFEST yang mendeskripsikan nama MIDlet-MIDlet (aplikasi java) yang tersedia, termasuk versi dan nama vendornya. Anda bisa membuka MANIFEST tersebut dengan editor teks seperti Notepad.

File JAD
JAD adalah singkatan dari Java Application Descriptor. Dari namanya saja kita bisa tahu bahwa JAD adalah file yang mendeskripsikan tentang aplikasi Java (MIDlet). Aplikasi Java yang mana? Tentu saja aplikasi yang ada didalam file JAR, karena file JAD sendiri sebetulnya hanya sebuah file teks biasa, yang bila dilihat isinya mirip sekali dengan MANIFEST yang ada didalam file JAR. Informasi tambahan yang ada di file JAD adalah url alamat file JAR

contoh format .jad :

MIDlet-1: , , 
So, JAR berisi aplikasi-aplikasi Java yang mungkin lebih dari 1 (satu). Segala hal yang dibutuhkan untuk menjalankan sebuah aplikasi Java, terletak dalam file JAR tersebut.

JAD sifatnya sebagai file tambahan untuk menjelaskan isi file JAR atau data tambahan yang dibutuhkan untuk menginstal file JAR, misalnya certificate.

Selasa, 19 April 2011

Dim Sum

Pagi - pagi sampe kantor langsung browsing tempat wisata eh ketemu deh beberapa tempat wisata, tepatnya sih sebagian kecil ciptaan Tuhan yang sangat bagus... yup, mataku langsung tertuju pada pulau Gulangyu - setelah lihat pulau Gulangyu, malah jadi berpikir tetang Dim Sum....bisa-bisanya jadi pengen Dim Sum..berhubung beberapa hari lagi libur..kayaknya ga ada salahnya deh buat Dim Sum...Seru kaleee ya...

Ini hasil browsing :

Dim Sum berasal dari bahasa Kanton-Cina yang berarti makanan ringan serba kukus atau digoreng. Hidangan ini biasanya di sajikan sebagai sarapan atau penyerta minum the di sore hari. Citarasa dim sum sangat beragam baik gurih maupun manis. Bentuknya yang mungil membuat kita semakin ingin untuk mencoba. Buat Anda yang ingin membuat sendiri. Kami memilihkan 4 resep variasi dim sum. Selamat Mencoba!. Resep: Budi Sutomo

Pangsit Kukus Isi Udang


Kulit Pangsit:

375 gr tepung terigu cakra
150 ml air mendidih
80 ml air dingin
1 sdt garam halus
1 sdm minyak goreng

250 gr daging ayam cincang
100 gr udang cncang
5 buah jamur hioko, rendam air, iris halus
200 gr sawi putih, iris halus, rendam air panas, tiriskan
1 sdm tepung kanji
1 butir telur ayam
4 siung bawang putih, haluskan
2 cm jahe, parut
1 sdm kecap asin
½ sdm kecap ikan
2 sdt gula pasir
½ sdt lada halus
½ sdm minyak wijen
1 sdm minyak goreng
1 sdt garam

Saus Pedas, haluskan:
4 buah cabai merah
2 siung bawang putih
½ sdm cuka
4 sdm saus tomat
½ sdm gula pasir
200 ml air
¼ sdt garam
½ sdm tepung kanji, larutkan dengan 2 sdm air

Cara Membuat:
1. Kulit Pangsit: Campur tepung terigu dengan air mendidih, aduk rata. Tambahkan air dingin, garam dan minyak, aduk dengan tangan hingga terbentuk adonan yang kalis. Diamkan selama 40 menit. Ambil adonan dan giling hingga tipis. Cetak dengan pustry cutter/pisau tajam menjadi bulatan dengan diameter 7 cm. Lakukan hingga adonan habis.
2. Isi: Campur semuia bahan isi, aduk rata.
3. Penyelesaian: ambil kulit pangsit, isi dengan 1 sendok makan bahan isi. Bentuk pinggirnya dengan cara diwiru/lipitan. Kukus hingga matang. Angkat dan sajikan hangat dengan saus pedas
4. Saus cabai: campur semua bahan. Masak hingga mendidih dan mengental. angkat

We can make it If we try..try...and try again....

Rabu, 13 April 2011

I have worked at Andipublisher more than three years. Many things I learned when I worked there. From the little things to big things that sometimes make me sad but also happy in completing all tasks. I’m thankful to God. I can get through all problems that occur. Many things happened that I never forget.

I have lost database. When I worked, suddenly I saw all data that I need was lose including transaction data. I was panic and afraid because I didn’t backup all data before. I tried to take a deep breath and checked al via server panel. After that I got the answer caused loss of data. Yup, our site has attack by hacker. Really, I was stress. But God is great. He helped me. He gave away for me and our team to make new site. It was better than old site. After new site run, we have never been attacked by hackers again.

One thing that I couldn’t forgot.  I have got an accident. I fell down I front of the office when we had lunch. I couldn’t stand again. My friend helped me to go to the hospital. I had to bed rest for 5 days. I had to go to physiotherapy twelve times in two months. It needed much money to pay the cost of the hospital. But I was lucky. I have received insurance from the employees’ social security insurance. So, all of the costs were paid by the company.

I’m also grateful. I have met good friends at Andipublisher especially my friends at online division. We worked in a team. We have reached the target. We got incentive. They are great. Event though, we often fight because of the problems of work but we still friend. Problems make us more mature. They are colors of my life.

Kamis, 10 Maret 2011


Moluccas lies across a transition zone between Asian and Australian fauna and flora, and also between the Malay-based cultures of western Indonesia and those of Melanesia. There are over 1,000 islands in the Province most of which are uninhabited. 85% of Moluccas is water and it sits astride one of the world’s most actively volatile volcanic belts. The region has known more than 70 eruptions over the last 400years. Tremors and volcanic explosions are by no means rare events and, in fact, many of the islands form classic scenes of volcanic cones rising out of the sea.

Moluccas is blessed with incredible sea gardens, idyllic, tropical beaches and wonderful landscapes rich with a great variety of endemic plant and animal species. The rugged, forest-coated and mountainous hinterlands of the islands are home to the racker tailed kingfisher, the Red-crested Moluccas cockatoo, and other brilliantly-colored lorikeets and parrots.

It was the Dutch, who arrived in 1599, that proved to be a strong adversary in the quest for, and control of, Maluku’s tree surest Armed conflicts broke out, taking a heavy toll from the island populations as well as the rival European powers an’ when the Dutch finally emerged as victors they enforced the trade monopoly with an iron fist. Whole villages were razed to the ground and thousands of islanders died, especially on the island of Banda, in the so called Hongi Expeditions.


Ambon, the provincial capital of Moluccas which is built on a hillside overlooking the bay, has a number of interesting sites of historical and cultural interests. Among them are the remnants of some old forts built by the Dutch East Indies Company during the heydays of the spice trade and the Museum Siwa Lima with its collection of local arts and crafts. More ruins of forts are found such as the Dutch one at Lima and those of the Portuguese at Hila, which are almost entirely hidden underneath the contorted roots of a giant Banyan tree. The ANZAC War Cemetery near Ambon town is the site of services held every year on April 25, to commemorate the Allied soldiers who died in the region during World War II. Ambon is at the Moluccas end of the annual yacht race between Darwin, Australia and Ambon. The race usually takes place at the end of July and the beginning of August.

Coral Sea Gardens
Good beaches with coral reefs just off the shore are found around Pombo Island Namalatu beach and at Hunimoa Beach on Ambon. A popular recreation beach on the same island is Natsepa, Honimua and Namalatu.

Banda Islands
The Banda group, about 132 kilometers southeast of Ambon, consists of three larger islands and seven smaller ones, perched on the rim of Indonesia’s deepest sea, the Banda Sea. Near the island Manuk, the water reaches a depth of more than 6,500 meters. Of the three biggest Islands Banda, Banda-Neira and Gunung Api, the first two are covered with nutmeg trees and other vegetation. The third however, is entirely bare and highly volcanic. The last eruption of Mt. Api occurred only a few years ago.

The seas around Banda are the site of the famous Moluccas sea gardens with their bright corals and colorful fish darting through the crystal-clear waters. Facilities for sightseeing, snorkeling and skin diving are available, as well as clean, comfortable cottages. Banda saw some of the bloodiest episodes of Moluccas’s past history during the 17th century. In 1609, the Dutch East Indies Company (VOC) dispatched Verhoeff to the Islands to obtain the contested spice trade monopoly at any cost. Confronted by a superior power, the people of Banda were forced to allow the company to establish a fort, but in that same year Verhoeff was killed together with 45 of his men. The Company retaliated, but peace was not restored.

In 1619, V.O.C. Governor-General Jan Pieterszoon Coen arrived at the head of a penal expedition and exterminated the entire population of Banda. The land was divided into lots, called “perken”, and given to former company employees, the “perkiniers”, who were obliged to grow nutmeg and sell them at predetermined prices to the company. Slaves did the actual work in the fields. The old “perkenier houses”, or what is left of them, and old churches still retain a peculiar colonial character to the port town of Bandaneira today. Two old forts Belgica and Nassau are inside the town limits. Others are found elsewhere on the islands. See also the former Dutch Governor’s mansion, the Museum of History in Neira, and the huge nutmeg plantation nearby.

Seram Island
One of the biggest Island in Maluku. The beaches in Ceram are generally beautiful and suitable for swimming, fishing etc. Sea gardens, Sago woods, Maiden forests also. Naulu race who still keep their habits and traditional way of life. Exotic nature, flora and fauna, Manusela National Park, Kasa islet and Babi islet surrounded by white sandy beaches, beautiful spots for swimming and fishing and gorgeous sea gardens. Wonderful waterfall and beautiful surrounding panorama in the village of Rumakai Antiques.

Halmahera Islands
Ternate, an island off the west coast of Halmahera in northern Maluku, was once the seat of an important kingdom which prospered from the spice trade. The Portuguese, the Spanish and the Dutch vied with each other for influence on this island. A stronghold of Islam in the otherwise predominantly Christian province of Maluku, Ternate nevertheless carries the clear imprints of both its pre Islamic past and its period of contact with the West, especially the Portuguese.

The old sultan’s palace in Ternate town is now a museum. In the vicinity are the ruins of Old Portuguese, Spanish and Dutch forts. The remnants of the Dutch Fort Orange are right in town. About five kilometers west of the town, on the slope of a 1,715 meter tall volcano in the middle of the island, is Afo, with its giant clove tree, said to be more than 360 years old to be the ancestor of all clove trees in the world. Morotai Island, just off Halmahera’s northern arm, was an important airbase during World War II, first for the Allies and later for ~the Japanese until its recapture near the end of the war. The ghosts of war still linger in this area, where many wrecks of aircraft and rusting guns lie abandoned in the bushes.

Central and southern Moluccas Islands experience the dry monsoon between October to March and the wet monsoon from May to August, which is the reverse of the rest of Indonesia. The dry monsoon's average maximum temperature is 30°C while the wet's average maximum is 23°C. Northern Moluccas has its wet monsoon from December to March in line with the rest of Indonesia. Each island group has their own climatic variations, and the larger islands tend to have drier coastal lowlands and their mountainous hinterlands are wetter

Cloves and nutmeg are still cultivated, as are cocoa, coffee and fruit. Fishing is a big industry across the islands but particularly around Halmahera and Bacan. The Aru Islands produce pearls, and Seram exports lobsters. Logging is a significant industry on the larger islands with Seram producing ironwood and teak and ebony are produced on Buru

There are several tourist attractions below:

Tour in Ternate:
Benteng Kalamata (fort),
Pantai Sulamadaha (beach),
Danau Tolire (lake),
Gunung Gamalama (mount)

Tour in north Moluccas:
Tidore (island),
Jailolo (town in Halmahera),
Galela (beach in Halmahera)

Tour in Ambon and around:
Museum Siwalima,
Tugu Doolan (monument in Kudamati),
Commonwealth War Cemetery,
Monumen Pattimura,
Monumen Martha Christina Tiahahu,
Gunung Sirimau (mount),
Pantai Natsepa (beach in Teluk Baguala),
Taman Lunterse Boer (beach park),
Kolam Waiselaka (eel pond in Waai),
Pulau Pombo (island & marine park),
Pantai Namalatu (beach in Latuhalat),
Pantai Lelisa (beach in Latuhalat),
Pantai Felawatu (beach in Airlow),
Anihang (waterfall),
Tanjung Setan (marine park in Morela),
Pantai Honimua (beach in Hitu),
Pintu Kota (in Airlow and Seri),
Hatuasa (hotsprings in Tulehu, Salahutu),
Kolam Wailatu (giant eel pond),
Benteng Amsterdam (fort in Hila),
Gereja Immanuel (oldest church),
Masjid Wapaue (old mosque),
Soya Atas (sacred standing stones)

Tour in central Moluccas:
Benteng Duurstede (fort in P. Saparua),
Pantai Waisisil (beach in P. Saparua),
Pantai Kollor (beach in P. Saparua),
Gua Tujuh Putri (cave in P. Saparua),
Benteng New Zeland (fort in P. Haruku),
Benteng Neuw Horn (fort in P. Haruku),
Pantai Hulaliu (beach in P. Haruku),
Benteng Beverwyk (fort in P. Nusalaut),
Manusela (nature reserve in P. Seram),
Sawai (fishing village in P. Seram), Buru (island)

Tour in Banda islands:
Rumah Budaya (Museum in Bandaneira),
Benteng Nassau (fort in Bandaneira),
Benteng Belgica (fort in Bandaneira),
Rumah Bung Hatta & Syahrir,
Gereja Elim Tabernakel (old church),
Pulau Gunung Api (volcano island),
Benteng Hollandia (fort in Banda Besar),
Benteng Concordia (fort in Banda Besar),
Pantai Lanutu (beach in P. Banda Besar),
Nutmeg plantation in P. Banda Besar,
Pulau Syahrir / Pisang (island),
Benteng Inggris (fort in Ai Island)

Tour in south-east Moluccas:
Kai Besar (island & beach),
Pantai Pasir Panjang (beach in Kai Kecil),
Ohoideertawun (beach in Kai Kecil),
Gua Luwat (cave in P. Kai Kecil),
Museum Belang (in P. Dullah),
Danau Ngadi (lake in P. Dullah),
Pantai Tamadan (beach in P. Dullah),
Sangliat Dol (ship statue in Tanimbar),
Pantai Ilngei (beach in Tanimbar)
Pantai Leluan (beach in Tanimbar)

Senin, 21 Februari 2011

Life story about me

On 26th January 1983, Mr and Mrs Wattimury got married. After 10 months later, They had a beautiful daughter, her name is Pricillia Wattimury, yupz..It’s me. I was born on 28th November 1983. They were very happy when they celebrated their first daughter birth.  Five years later, on July 1988, I entered kindergarten then my sister was born on 11th November 1988. So, she was born when I was five years old.  My sister’s name is Seanne Stevany Wattimury. When Seanne was ten mounts, my first brother was born on 16th September 1989 his name is Welniks Jonestri Steward Wattimury, wow, it is long name, isn’t it??? But it’s OK.
I entered Elementary School when he was born. I was happy because I had first brother. We lived together at grandparent’s house. In 1993, I had to move to Ambon with my dad because my dad had a new job in Ambon. My brother, my sister and my mom had had to stay in Masohi.  Two years later, they followed us in Ambon. So, we were happy. Finally, we lived together again.
In 1995, I entered Junior high school. When I was a student in Junior high school, I participated in many music concerts and festivals such as singing, theatre, dancing, etc. in 1995 our team was the winner of music festival. When I went up to the second grade, my younger brother was born on 9th December 1996, his name is Fradenly Keminhart Wattimury.
In 1999, I had to move to Masohi for one year because Ambon had a big war. After that, I returned to Ambon to continue my study. But, when I arrived in Ambon, there was a war again. It forced us to move and live in the refuge for six mounts. We had to sleep on the table, we ate noodles, took a bath in the river. Really, it was a sad situation but we had to survive. Although, it was like that, I graduated from science class as a best student. I had first rank in our class.
In 2001, I moved to Yogyakarta. From June 2001 until June 2002, I traveled to several cities of Indonesia. One of them is Bali Island. In 2002, I entered Sanata Dharma University majoring in computer science. From 2002 to 2007, I studied there. In 2006 and 2007 my brother and my sister came to Yogyakarta too. Welniks entered Amikom University majoring in Information Technology and Seanne entered Atma Jaya University majoring in Public relations. So we lived together in Yogyakarta. Now, I have been working at Andi Publisher as a staff Online Division. Maybe, in several months later I have to go to another place to develop my carrier. Then I will take master of Information Technology. Two or three years later I will get merry with someone, after that we have children, and then we have grandchildren and then we will die.
